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[S1E2] Make Them Birds Fly

Two theories get Justin into a bit of trouble with the flight attendants. The first, the idea that something might have disrupted communications. Justin disturbs and angers two Sikh passengers when he tries to tell them to stop watching sports, even though they are using wifi. Flight attendants make him go back to his seat.

[S1E2] Make Them Birds Fly

One way that phosphate ions can return to land from the oceans is via guano (bird poo!). Phosphate ions in the oceans are used to make organic compounds in primary producers such as algae, and sea birds feed on the algae. They then fly over land and excrete phosphate ions in guano.

At the Inn at the Crossroads, the Brotherhood Without Banners decides to take Arya and Gendry with them as they transport the Hound to their hideout. However, they make a deal with the innkeeper to leave Hot Pie behind to work as a baker.

With nothing left to lose, Stannis and his remaining men prepare to lay siege to Winterfell but are instead met in open combat by Ramsay and the mounted Bolton army, who make easy work of defeating them.

Translating this into miles per hour, we see that the airspeed velocity of a European swallow is 20.1 mph. This number also lines up with the measured velocities of real birds, which means we're on the right track for the mathematics.

Stupid by nature, the Minion Pigs are in the lowest rank of the Piggy kingdom society.[3] However, they love having fun, and their stupidity makes them obedient soldiers that can be a great threat to their enemies.

The Minion Pigs are very stupid by nature, being unable to spell the alphabet, and ignoring warning signs.[7] No matter the situation, they will always try to find something to have fun with, such as the lights turning out[8] or them making funny sounds,[9] which more often than not leads them to get distracted. To compensate this however, they never give up, no matter how many times they have failed, and constantly try and try again until they manage to achieve their goals.[1] This makes them a great threat to their enemies, specially combined with the great numbers of them.[10]

Tenijah Hamilton: I love that. You actually brought up a question I have: if you're talking to somebody who has never really took the time to look at birds or engage with birds in the bird world, what is your pitch? What do you say to make it sound as cool as you think it is? Because I find, I struggle with that.

Now that the Jedi council knows of Dooku's army, Jedi Master Mace Windu leads a battalion of Jedi to Geonosis. Unbeknownst to them, Anakin and Padmé also make their way there to rescue Obi-Wan. Meanwhile, Representative Binks calls for Chancellor Palpatine to be given emergency powers, with which he can call the recently discovered clone army into battle.

The Decepticons are soon in Burma, pulling energetic rubies from the Earth's crust. The Autobots wait for them outside the mine. Wheeljack has developed a powerful and compact explosive. Bumblebee and Sparkplug volunteer to plant the charge in the mine. They do so, but are caught by Thundercracker and Skywarp as they make their escape.

In "Master Ping", after a fight between Po and a trio of brutish pigs (Bao, Tsao and Lao) leads to the destruction of Mr. Ping's restaurant, Master Shifu allows the goose to take up residence in the Jade Palace. It isn't long until Mr. Ping's bossy, intrusive habits cause problems for the palace residents: the loud nasal sounds he makes when he sleeps keeps everyone else awake, he uses the jade tortoise as a giant noodle pan, and eventually transforms the hall of warriors into his own restaurant, with the Furious Five and temporarily Master Shifu as its waiters. While speaking with a customer, Mr. Ping actually proclaims that he "runs the place". Unfortunately, the pig trio from earlier happen to arrive at that very moment, having decided to find Shifu and make him teach them the secret kung fu moves. Hearing Mr. Ping's "run the place" comment, they immediately assume that he is the master they are looking for.

In "Love Stings", when Po notices his father may be lonely since he moved out, he tries to get his father a girlfriend but his father acts rudely to them all. He reveals to Po that he already has a girlfriend, who happened to be Scorpion, much to his horror. He initially thought she brainwashed her, but the two tried to convince him otherwise. The two acted very lovey dovey to each other and Ping liked the allure of a "forbidden relationship" since Scorpion was banished from the Valley. Po tried to accept the relationship for his father's happiness, until he learned she was using Mr. Ping to help make poisoned moon cakes to take over the valley. Mr. Ping then broke up with her, saying she was a cruel evil mastermind and that the two should see other people.

At first, when Li and Po reunited, Mr. Ping immediately recognized Po was Li's long lost son. When Po and Li realized that though, Mr. Ping refused to believe it because he was scared of losing Po. As Po and his father left to spend time together and Po wanted to show Li the town and make him proud, Ping mentioned he was already proud of Po. He even snuck his way in Po's luggage so he could join them on their journey to the panda village. Li allowed him to come despite the fact the place was supposed to be secret. When Po rejected Li as his father after he learned Li lied about teaching him how to use chi so he could take Po to the village where he would be safe, Mr. Ping comforted him, saying that he felt Li would steal Po away from him but he realized that having Li in Po's life didn't mean less of Po for Mr. Ping but more love for Po and that as his dads they needed to support Po during his fight against Kai. He also said that Po would surely forgive him, as Mr. Ping had also hid the truth from Po for twenty years about being his father and Po managed to forgive him. The two fought together against the jade zombies and worried over Po when he sent himself and Kai to the spirit realm and were overjoyed when he came back.

The episode starts in the morning at the Mystery Shack. Dipper and Mabel are eating breakfast and decide to have a syrup race with "Mountie Man" and "Sir Syrup," their ornamental syrup bottles. Mabel taps the bottom, giving her an advantage, and she wins, but ends up coughing on the syrup. Dipper then reads a magazine called Wacky News and comes across an advertisement for a monster photo contest. An advertisement for Human-sized hamster balls on the opposite page catches Mabel's eye, but Dipper tells her he was actually talking about the monster photo contest. He asks Mabel if they got any pictures of the gnomes from the previous episode, but they did not; however, Mabel did state that she kept a piece of a gnome's beard. Stan walks in and says that it's family bonding day. Dipper asks if it's going to be like their last family bonding day where he had them make counterfeit money, and they were sent to the County Jail. Mabel recalls the "cold jail cell" and shivers. Stan admits he hasn't been the best summer caretaker, but he swears they will have real family fun today. He then exclaims joyfully that the kids have to put on blindfolds and get into his car. They both cheer and throw up their hands, but then Dipper processes what Stan just said, and says "Wait, what?" in confusion.

On their way to the island, Dipper gives Mabel and Soos a quick lecture. He says the number one problem with monster hunting is camera trouble, so he has bought 17 disposable cameras. They soon lose six out of their seventeen cameras. Afterward, they decide that Dipper will be captain, Mabel will be co-captain and Soos will be associate co-captain. Mabel uses a pelican as a ventriloquist's dummy, then attempts to do so while drinking water (which she chokes on, scaring the pelican away). On the boat, Dipper says they'll lure the Gobblewonker with fish food in a barrel. Soos asks for permission to taste the fish food, Dipper says "permission granted," Mabel says "permission co-granted," and Soos says "permission associate co-granted" and licks the fish food. Soos makes a face and Mabel and Dipper start laughing. Soos says "Dude, I don't know what I expected that to taste like." Once they land on the island, they hear "monster noises" and rush to check it out, while Soos beatboxes to Mabel's improvisational rap song. They believe they've spotted the Gobblewonker, but it turns out to be a colony of beavers that in their language, say unusual, charming phrases. One of the beavers has a rusty chainsaw that when bitten, makes the "monster noises" that the twins and Soos heard earlier. Dipper then realizes that the rock he is sitting is actually the tail of the enormous Gobblewonker, and gets ready to snap a picture, but the Gobblewonker then begins to chase them on dry land.

  • Tropes for this episode include: Accidental Public Confession: Justin confronts one of the passengers, accusing him of being a Russian named Igor Orlov who was under witness protection. When the passenger denies this, Justin loudly argues with him, causing the real Orlov (seated nearby) to bolt from his seat in a panic.

  • An Aesop: Acting on incomplete information can bring disaster.

  • Arc Number: 1015. It's the flight number, the time the plane takes off, the day the plane takes off (October 15) and also the passcode that allows Joe Beaumont to hijack the plane to its doom.

  • Arc Words: "The past is the past." It's the motto Justin was taught, his personal mantra, and ultimately the reason that pushes Joe Beaumont to hijack the plane.

  • Artifact of Death: The MP3 player. The device doesn't seem to be inherently malevolent but it still causes the death of Justin Sanderson.

  • The Cassandra: Justin Sanderson.

  • Bottle Episode: Most of the episode takes place on board the airliner.

  • Continuity Nod: Samir's image is seen on a magazine at the airport.

  • Cruel Twist Ending: The series' very first. After inadvertently bringing about the plane crash, Justin discovers there is a second part to the podcast, which details how all the survivors except him were eventually rescued by a cargo freighter. The angry passengers then proceed to beat Justin to death for all the trouble he's caused.

  • Darker and Edgier: When it ends with the protagonist being lynched, it sure can be said to be this to the original episode.

  • Death Seeker: Joe Beaumont. He hints of a past incident that ended his career as a pilot, and eventually hijacks the airplane in order to crash it.

  • Doing In the Wizard: For all the talk and buildup of how the plane mysteriously disappeared, there's no gremlins to blame this time, just a rogue pilot who shut off all the electronics on the plane, meaning no radio towers could pick up its location. That said, it still doesn't explain the podcast that predicted every event before it could happen which was on the plane before Justin himself got on.

  • Early-Bird Cameo: Oliver Foley, the central child from "The Wunderkind", makes one on an newstand magazine.

  • Exact Words: At the airport, Joe asks Justin to sign his magazine, giving his name as "Joe, with an E." Justin signs it to "Joe with an E."

  • Foreshadowing: Joe Beaumont mentions early on that he's gotten in trouble with his bosses before, and clearly has issues with alcohol. He also specifically mentions "one too many mistakes", and that he doesn't think people should fly on planes.

  • The background of the scene that Jordan Peele first appears in is the atoll that the plane crashes on.

  • I Need to Go Iron My Dog: Justin tries to have his neighbor listen to the podcast, but he refuses by saying he doesn't want to get lice, even though he was bald.

  • Mistaken for Terrorist: Justin's repeated harassment of other passengers earns him the ire of the pilots and flight attendants, but his misinterpreted warnings that the plane will suddenly disappear based off their behavior is what acts as their breaking point and subsequently gets him arrested. Two Sikh men assume that Justin has confused them for Muslims when he asks them to stop watching a video on their phone.

  • Mundanger: While there is a supernatural element, the threat itself is entirely mundane.

  • My Greatest Failure: Joe Beaumont briefly hints that something in his past caused him to stop flying."I don't fly anymore. One too many mistakes I can't take back."

  • Mythology Gag: A doll resembling the Gremlin of the original episode is one of the items washed ashore after the crash.

  • The MP3 player is made by "Whipple". The name also appears on the Mars poster.

  • The podcast makes reference to other flights from episodes in the original series, namely, a plane numbered 22 headed out from Miami Beach and airliner 107's arrival into Buffalo.

  • Captain Donner is named after Richard Donner, who directed the original "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet".

  • Rodman Edwards, the podcast narrator, is derived from Rod Serling's full name: Rodman Edward Serling.

  • Joe Beaumont shares a surname with Charles Beaumont, who wrote many episodes of the original series.

  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Justin. The crash occurs only because of his actions, most notably giving Joe the PIN that allows access to the cockpit.

  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: How Justin meets his end, at the hands of the entire Flight 1015 crew and passengers.

  • Ominous Music Box Tune: The Enigmatique podcast uses such a melody as its background music.

  • Poor Communication Kills: Justin's downfall. After the first failed attempt, he gives up any attempt of having others listen to the podcast and never explains his reason to anyone else, instead showing knowledge he shouldn't have and resorting to ominous warnings that earns him suspicion. The one person he actually listens to turns out to be the only one he should have ignored. He also jumps to action while listening to the podcast instead of just listening to the end, and ends up acting on incomplete information.

  • Retraux: The MP3 player looks less like a modern iPod or similar device and more like a handheld radio.

  • Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Justin ultimately ends up causing the crash he tried so desperately to prevent.

  • Soundtrack Dissonance: The revelation that Joe is the pilot who ultimately dooms the aircraft, with Justin helpless to do anything by this point, is all set to Frank Sinatra's cover of "Fly Me to the Moon".

  • Spiritual Successor: To the classic episode "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet" and as such, does not involve a Gremlin.

  • Suddenly Always Knew That: When Joe tells Jordan that he cannot get into the flight deck, Jordan gets an epiphany and realizes it's "1015". He gets Joe to use it by lying that he learned it from the podcast.

  • The Password Is Always "Swordfish": The keycode to get into the cockpit is 1015, same as the number of the flight.

  • The Tape Knew You Would Say That: The podcast includes a clip of what Justin had said moments before.

  • Too Dumb to Live: Justin instantly believes Joe when he says that he was a former pilot, never bothers to question his credentials or competency, and ends up helping him access the flight deck in order to hijack the airplane. This stupidity ultimately gets him beaten to death in the end.

  • You Can't Fight Fate: No matter what Justin does, he can't stop the plane from going down exactly as the podcast said it would.



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