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Download Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Wilderness and Unleash Your Wild Side

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Wilderness Downloadzip

If you are a fan of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and you love exploring the wilds of fantasy worlds, then you should definitely download Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Wilderness. This sourcebook is packed with new rules, options, and features that will enhance your gaming experience and expand your character options. Whether you want to play as a shapeshifting shifter, a nature-loving hunter, or a terrain-manipulating geomancer, you will find something for you in this book. You will also discover new archetypes, feats, spells, items, and creatures that will make your wilderness adventures more exciting and challenging.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Wilderness Downloadzip

In this article, we will give you an overview of what Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Wilderness is, why you should download it, how to download it, what are some of its features, and how to use it in your game. We will also answer some frequently asked questions about this sourcebook. So let's get started!

What is Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Wilderness?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Wilderness is a sourcebook for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game that was released in 2017 by Paizo Publishing. It is part of the Ultimate series of sourcebooks that provide additional rules and options for various aspects of the game.

This sourcebook focuses on wilderness exploration and survival. It introduces new rules for traveling through different types of terrain, dealing with weather and seasons, finding food and water, building shelters and campsites, tracking animals and enemies, and surviving natural disasters.

It also provides new options for creating characters that are specialized in wilderness skills and abilities. It introduces three new classes: the shifter, the hunter, and the geomancer; as well as new archetypes for existing classes that are inspired by nature. It also adds new feats, spells, items, and creatures that are related to wilderness themes.

Why should you download Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Wilderness?

There are many reasons why you should download Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Wilderness if you are a fan of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Here are some of them:

  • It will enhance your gaming experience by adding more depth and variety to your wilderness adventures. You will be able to explore new environments and face new challenges that will test your skills and creativity.

  • It will expand your character options by giving you access to new classes, archetypes, feats, spells, items, and creatures that will allow you to customize your character according to your preferences and playstyle.

How to download Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Wilderness?

If you are interested in downloading Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Wilderness, you have several options to choose from. You can download it from the official Paizo website, from online stores that sell digital products, or from torrent sites that offer free downloads. Here are the pros and cons of each option:




Official Paizo website

- You can get the PDF version of the sourcebook for $9.99.- You can also get the hardcover version for $44.99.- You can support the creators and publishers of the sourcebook.

- You need to create an account and provide your payment information.- You may experience delays or errors in downloading or accessing the file.

Online stores

- You can get the PDF version of the sourcebook for a similar or lower price than the official website.- You can choose from different platforms and formats, such as Kindle, Nook, or Google Play.- You can access the file from multiple devices and cloud storage.

- You need to create an account and provide your payment information.- You may not get the latest or updated version of the sourcebook.- You may not be able to download or share the file with others.

Torrent sites

- You can get the PDF version of the sourcebook for free.- You can download and share the file with others without restrictions.- You can find other related products and resources that may interest you.

- You may violate the copyright laws and ethical principles of using the sourcebook.- You may expose your device and data to viruses, malware, or hackers.- You may not get the latest or updated version of the sourcebook.

As you can see, each option has its advantages and disadvantages. You should weigh them carefully and decide which one suits your needs and preferences best. Whichever option you choose, make sure you have enough space and compatible software to open and read the file.

What are some of the features of Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Wilderness?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Wilderness is a rich and comprehensive sourcebook that offers many features for players and GMs alike. Here are some of the features that you can expect to find in this sourcebook:

New classes

The sourcebook introduces three new classes that are specialized in wilderness exploration and survival: the shifter, the hunter, and the geomancer. Each class has its own unique abilities and options that make them stand out from other classes. Here is a brief description of each class:

The shifter

The shifter is a class that can transform into various animal forms and unleash their primal power. Shifters can choose from different aspects that grant them animal-like features and abilities, such as claws, wings, scales, or senses. They can also use their wild shape ability to assume the form of an animal or a hybrid creature. Shifters are versatile and adaptable warriors that can fight in melee or ranged combat.

The hunter

The hunter is a class that can bond with an animal companion and use nature-themed spells and abilities. Hunters can choose from different animal focuses that grant them bonuses and skills related to their chosen animal, such as speed, stealth, or perception. They can also use their teamwork feats to coordinate their actions with their animal companion. Hunters are skilled and resourceful explorers that can track down their prey or allies.

The geomancer

The geomancer is a class that can manipulate the terrain and elements to their advantage. Geomancers can choose from different terrains that grant them bonuses and abilities related to their chosen terrain, such as forest, mountain, or desert. They can also use their terrain control ability to alter or create terrain effects within an area. Geomancers are powerful and creative spellcasters that can shape their environment to suit their needs.

New archetypes

The sourcebook also provides new archetypes for existing classes that are inspired by nature. Archetypes are alternative options that modify or replace some of the features of a class to create a different flavor or playstyle. Here are some of the new archetypes available in the sourcebook:

The fey caller

The fey caller is an archetype for summoners that can summon fey creatures and gain their abilities. Fey callers can choose from different fey aspects that grant them bonuses and skills related to their chosen fey, such as charm, illusion, or trickery. They can also use their fey bond ability to summon a specific fey creature as their eidolon. Fey callers are whimsical and enchanting spellcasters that can charm or deceive their foes or friends.

The herbalist

The herbalist is an archetype for alchemists that can create natural remedies and potions from plants and herbs. Herbalists can choose from different herbal formulas that grant them bonuses and abilities related to their chosen herb, such as healing, poison, or enhancement. They can also use their herbal infusion ability to create potions that have various effects depending on the herb used. Herbalists are knowledgeable and practical healers that can cure or cause ailments with their concoctions.

The wild whisperer

The wild whisperer is an archetype for druids that can communicate with plants and animals and influence their behavior. Wild whisperers can choose from different plant or animal domains that grant them bonuses and abilities related to their chosen domain, such as growth, decay, or protection. They can also use their wild empathy ability to improve the attitude of plants and animals towards them. Wild whisperers are empathic and persuasive leaders that can rally or calm nature's allies.

New feats

The sourcebook also adds new feats for characters that are related to wilderness themes. Feats are special abilities that characters can acquire to improve their skills or gain new ones. Here are some of the new feats available in the sourcebook:

Animal Soul

Animal Soul is a feat that allows characters to gain animal traits and abilities based on their alignment. Characters with this feat can choose one of four animal aspects: predator, prey, scavenger, or symbiote. Each aspect grants different bonuses and penalties depending on the character's alignment. For example, a lawful good character with the predator aspect gains a bonus to attack rolls against chaotic evil creatures, but a penalty to diplomacy checks against lawful good creatures.

Feral Combat Training

Feral Combat Training is a feat that allows characters to use their natural weapons with martial arts techniques. Characters with this feat can apply the effects of certain feats, such as Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, or Weapon Focus, to their natural weapons, such as claws, bites, or tails. They can also use their natural weapons as part of a flurry of blows if they have the monk class feature.

Terrain Master

Terrain Master is a feat that allows characters to gain bonuses and abilities in specific types of terrain. Characters with this feat can choose one of several terrain types, such as aquatic, desert, forest, or urban. Each terrain type grants different bonuses and abilities depending on the character's class and level. For example, a rogue with the urban terrain type gains a bonus to stealth checks and trapfinding in urban environments.

New spells

The sourcebook also introduces new spells for spellcasters that are related to wilderness themes. Spells are magical effects that spellcasters can use to achieve various results, such as damaging enemies, healing allies, or creating illusions. Here are some of the new spells available in the sourcebook:

Animal aspect

Animal aspect is a spell that allows spellcasters to grant themselves or others animal-like features and abilities for a short duration. The spellcaster can choose from different animal aspects, such as bat, bear, bull, cat, frog, hawk, monkey, mouse, owl, shark, snake, or wolf. Each aspect grants different bonuses and abilities depending on the body part affected. For example, the bat aspect grants darkvision and blindsense to the eyes.


Entangle is a spell that allows spellcasters to create a mass of vines and plants that hinder movement and entrap creatures within an area. The spellcaster can designate an area of natural vegetation or loose earth that becomes overgrown with plants. The plants act as difficult terrain and require a strength or escape artist check to move through them. The plants also attempt to grapple any creature that enters or begins its turn in the area.

Plant growth

rapidly and become dense and tangled, creating difficult terrain and cover. Enrichment causes the plants in the area to grow more healthy and fruitful, increasing their yield and quality. The spellcaster can affect a large area of plants with this spell, but only once per year.

New items

The sourcebook also provides new items for adventurers that are related to wilderness themes. Items are objects that characters can use or wear to gain various benefits or effects, such as weapons, armor, potions, or scrolls. Here are some of the new items available in the sourcebook:

Camouflage cloaks

Camouflage cloaks are items that allow wearers to blend in with their surroundings and gain bonuses to stealth checks. The cloaks are made of special fabric that changes color and texture to match the environment. The cloaks have different types, such as forest, desert, or urban, that determine which terrain they can camouflage in. The cloaks also grant a bonus to survival checks in their corresponding terrain.

Survival kits

Survival kits are items that contain various tools and supplies for wilderness survival, such as fire starters, ropes, knives, and water purifiers. The kits are small and lightweight, but can provide enough resources for one person for a few days. The kits have different types, such as basic, deluxe, or masterwork, that determine the quality and quantity of the items they contain. The kits also grant a bonus to survival checks when used.

Wilderness maps

Wilderness maps are items that show the layout and features of a specific region of wilderness, such as forests, mountains, or deserts. The maps are made of durable material that can withstand weather and wear. The maps have different types, such as sketchy, accurate, or detailed, that determine the level of information and accuracy they provide. The maps also grant a bonus to knowledge (geography) checks when used.

New creatures

The sourcebook also introduces new creatures that are related to wilderness themes. Creatures are living beings that characters can encounter or interact with in the game world, such as animals, monsters, or NPCs. Here are some of the new creatures available in the sourcebook:

The dire polar bear

The dire polar bear is a creature that is a larger and more ferocious version of the normal polar bear. It has thick fur, powerful claws, and a keen sense of smell. It lives in cold and snowy regions, where it hunts for prey and defends its territory. It is a dangerous and aggressive predator that will attack anything that threatens it or its cubs.

The giant mantis

The giant mantis is a creature that is a huge insect with razor-sharp mandibles, spiny legs, and a deadly venom. It lives in warm and humid regions, where it ambushes its prey and devours it whole. It is a stealthy and cunning hunter that can blend in with its surroundings and strike with surprise. It is a fearsome and lethal enemy that can paralyze or kill its victims with its bite.

The treant

The treant is a creature that is a sentient tree-like being with great strength, wisdom, and affinity for nature. It lives in forests and woodlands, where it protects its home and allies from harm. It is a benevolent and wise guardian that can communicate with plants and animals and use magic to shape its environment. It is a formidable and loyal ally that can aid or advise those who respect nature.

How to use Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Wilderness in your game?

, you need to have some basic knowledge of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game rules and mechanics. You also need to have access to the core rulebook and other sourcebooks that are relevant to your game. You can use Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Wilderness as a supplement or a standalone product, depending on your preferences and needs.

Here are some tips and advice on how to incorporate Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Wilderness into your game:

Creating wilderness-themed campaigns

If you want to create a campaign that focuses on wilderness exploration and survival, you can use Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Wilderness as a source of inspiration and guidance. You can use the new rules and options in the sourcebook to create a realistic and immersive wilderness setting for your campaign. You can also use the new classes, archetypes, feats, spells, items, and creatures in the sourcebook to create diverse and interesting characters and NPCs for your campaign.

Here are some examples and ideas on how to create wilderness-themed campaigns using Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Wilderness:

  • A campaign where the characters are explorers who are hired by a wealthy patron to map out and document a vast and uncharted region of wilderness. They will encounter various dangers and wonders along the way, such as hostile tribes, ancient ruins, exotic animals, and hidden secrets.

  • A campaign where the characters are defenders of a forest that is threatened by an invading army of orcs, goblins, and other evil creatures. They will have to use their wilderness skills and abilities to fight back the invaders, rally the forest's allies, and protect their home.

  • A campaign where the characters are seekers of a legendary beast that is rumored to dwell in a remote and mysterious area of wilderness. They will have to track down clues and leads, overcome obstacles and challenges, and face their ultimate quarry.

Creating wilderness-themed adventures

If you want to create an adventure that involves wilderness challenges and opportunities, you can use Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Wilderness as a source of inspiration and guidance. You can use the new rules and options in the sourcebook to create a realistic and immersive wilderness scenario for your adventure. You can also use the new classes, archetypes, feats, spells, items, and creatures in the sourcebook to create diverse and interesting encounters and rewards for your adventure.

Here are some examples and ideas on how to create wilderness-themed adventures using Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Wilderness:

  • An adventure where the characters are hired by a merchant to escort a caravan through a dangerous and hostile wilderness. They will have to deal with bandits, monsters, weather, and terrain along the way.

  • An adventure where the characters are survivors of a shipwreck that strands them on a deserted island. They will have to find food, water, shelter, and a way off the island.

  • An adventure where the characters are treasure hunters who find a map that leads them to a hidden treasure in a secret location in the wilderness. They will have to solve puzzles, avoid traps, and face rivals along the way.

Creating wilderness-themed encounters

, and creatures in the sourcebook to create diverse and interesting foes and allies for your encounter.

Here are some examples and ideas on how to create wilderness-themed encounters using Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Wilderness:

  • An encounter where the characters are ambushed by a group of bandits who use camouflage cloaks and traps to hide and attack in the wilderness.

  • An encounter where the characters are caught in a forest fire that is caused by a geomancer who is trying to destroy the forest for his own purposes.

  • An encounter where the characters are challenged by a fey caller who summons various fey creatures to test their worthiness and morality.


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Wilderness is a sourcebook that provides new rules, options, and features for wilderness exploration and survival. It introduces new classes, archetypes, feats, spells, items, and creatures that are related to wilderness themes. It also provides tips and advice on how to create wilderness-themed campaigns, adventures, and


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