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The Seventh Sense (1999)

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The Seventh Sense (1999)

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The FBI today reported that serious crime declined for theseventh straight year. According to preliminary 1998 figures from the FBI's Uniform CrimeReport, serious crime in 1998 declined seven percent from 1997.

"There is no single reason for today's encouraging numbers. It's a combination of many factors,including more police officers, common-sense laws requiring background checks on gunpurchasers, community policing, legislation banning assault weapons, practical partnershipsbetween law enforcement and the communities they serve, more crime prevention programs, anda host of effective comprehensive crime strategies.

Collecting $13.8M inits third weekend of release, Runaway Bridehas pushed its 17-day tally to a fantastic $97.9M and should cross thecentury mark on Tuesday. Julia Roberts and Richard Gere have been charmingconsumers with their romantic comedy which is set to surpass the grossof Roberts' other summer smash NottingHill by next week. Budgeted at $70M, RunawayBride has performed well each week andwill become the seventh $100M blockbuster of the pretty woman's careertying Tom Hanks and Robin Williams for the most this decade.

Slipping to sixth wasDeep Blue Seawith $6.7M (off 41%) putting its overall tally at $57.1M. InspectorGadget saw a 34% decline and placed seventhwith $6M raising its total to an impressive $75.9M.

Most of the time, though, her graceful rhythms and her sense of humor sustain us even when the loping, amorphous narrative doesn't. When the priest loses one of his companions in a foreign land, he practices "the words he had learned from the book of travels" -- he tells everyone who will listen, "I want a woman," and a little boy leads him to a bordello.


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