Time & Location
Jan 23, 2024, 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
About the event
Sign Language: My Smart Hands® Level 1
This is a multi-day workshop.
Please ensure you are available for all the dates listed below:
8 online sessions - Tuesdays, January 23 to March 12, 2024
from time: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm (1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13, 2/20, 2/27, 3/5 & 3/12)
Sign language is a communication tool that you can actively use with preverbal and verbal babies and
toddlers in your care.
Most children begin to gesture at a fairly early age.
We see them put their hands in the air to be picked up, point at things they want,
wave bye-bye when someone leaves, and more.
When this occurs, children quickly learn that these movements will elicit a reaction from their caregivers.
By taking their natural gesturing to the next level,
we can teach children specific signs that they can use to clearly communicate their needs.
In My Smart Hands® Level 1 sign language workshop, you will learn over 100 signs to use with the children in your care.
Further, in our language-rich and playful environment
(yes, brew the coffee, because we’ll have a good time during our sessions together!),
you’ll build your American Sign Language (ASL)
pedagogy and communication through guided and self-directed instruction,
interactive games, and songs.
We will explore techniques for successfully integrating signs into everyday life like words for food,
family, animals, emotions, opposites, bedtime and play signs
.NOTE: Before the first session participants will receive by email,
a digital version of the MSH® curriculum workbook.
They will also receive by regular mail, a full-colour MSH® book with a CD of the songs taught,
when the course is completed.
Living Inquiries:
Well-being and belonging. Communication and literacies.
Joy in relationships with people, place, materials and ideas. Every child is a gift. Interests and inquiries. Multiple modes of communication. Language and communication.
Suitable for
ECE students, parents, intermediate and experienced early care and learning professionals
working with children of all ages, from infants/toddlers to school age children,
including children with extra support needs.
Facilitator(s): Rosie Paulyk
For almost 13 years, Rosie has worked with hundreds of families both online and
in-person as an early childhood music educator, where she uses ASL in practice on a daily basis.
Because of this, becoming a My Smart Hands’ licensed online workshop facilitator and
educator was a snug-as-a-bug-in-a-rug fit! Presently, in addition to hands-on pedagogical roles,
Rosie oversees a team of educators who facilitate the Multiply Music Effect™ via online music classes for
children ages newborn to 17.
In addition, she is the creator of Chronic Oasis: an online community for humans
who love and care for chronically ill family members, chosen family included.
In Rosie’s free time (yes, she makes sure she has some!),
you'll often find her relaxing at home with a book, a cup of Dark French Roast coffee and her 19 year old cat Eric.
To register for this workshop please sign in or create an account.
Registration closes: January 23rd
Credit Hours: 16
Fee: $175.00